• Build Your Own YouTube Brand

    Learn new skills and level up your mindset for creating content.

  • Personal Development

    Actionable steps to setting goals and becoming the best version of you.

  • Community

    Future access to an upcoming community of peers on the content creation journey.

  • Levels

    This course helps beginners build a YouTube channel and growth mindset.

About Me

The Mission for Channel Launcher

My name is Anthony, and I've been creating YouTube content for 10+ years. I have over three million subscribers combined and almost one billion video views across my channels. As crazy as this sounds to write this, I am so thankful because I get to wake up every day and pursue my dreams. So why am I creating Channel Launcher? I believe everyone has the potential inside of them to create amazing things in this life, and I've seen fear stop so many talented and gifted individuals from starting a YouTube channel and pursuing their dreams, potentially changing their lives and their families lives. Channel Launcher is not just a course, it's a new way to shift your mindset on approaching YouTube and life. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or someone who already creates content. If someone had taught me what I am showing you in Channel Launcher when I first started, there's no telling where I would be today.

Course Curriculum

15 Modules & 27 Lessons

  1. Module 1: Your Journey Starts Now

  2. Module 2: How to Pick a Niche

  3. Module 3: Creating Your Channel Brand

  4. Module 4: Equipment

  5. Module 5: Programs For Recording

  6. Module 6: Creating Titles and Thumbnails

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 27 lessons
  • Launch Your Channel

Launch your YouTube channel starting today!

What You Get in This Course


  • A complete system and guide to starting a YouTube channel today. I walk you through the process of changing your mindset and discovering what equipment and programs to use in order to create content to stand out on YouTube and grow. I will teach you strategies to overcome the fear that comes with content creation, as well as the success. I share my personal keys and tips for you to thrive on YouTube and in life.

  • Bonus Material

    A Channel Launcher Workbook to help you set goals, track your habits and take actionable steps towards your vision. An exclusive content planner to help you plan your daily and weekly content and organize your YouTube videos.